Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. (KJV)
Anger is the spawn of hurt and pain; all of which are the tools of the devil. My father used to say, “Hurt people, hurt people.” Pain, sadness, sorrow and anger are the gateways to evil. If you do not seek the Lord to help you deal with them, then they will fester and take root in your heart. Once that happens, the devil will begin to manipulate you.
We are constantly in a spiritual battle on a daily basis. As true Christians, our hearts are good, but our flesh is poison. We can never allow ourselves to believe that we can fight the devil alone. We must always seek God. All of us go through trials in this world. As brothers and sisters, we must lean on God and each other to get through them.
If you are hurting and struggling, I want you to know God is with you. You are not alone. Reach out and take His hand. Be slow to anger, brothers and sisters.
For further study, read Genesis 27:45, Matthew 5:22 and Proverbs 15:18.